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june's drama recommendation
Assalamualaikum and 안녕하세요!


1. Good Morning Call Season 1 & Season 2 (Our Campus Days)

so, today, aku nak recommend drama yang korang boleh tengok selagi pkpp ni masih berlangsung. bagi aku, yang aku recommend ni memang best sangat ceritanya. kalau korang tengok poster dekat atas ni, cerita dia ada dua season. pastikan tengok dua-dua season tu tau! 

kejap, aku cuma nak bagi warning. kalau korang ni jenis yang suka tengok drama yang lebih kurang macam itazura na kiss, haa drama good morning call ni sesuai! ramai jugalah yang suka tengok drama ni. kalau pendapat aku, (maaflah tak berapa reti nak bagi review) drama ni bagus, cuma aku tak tahan tengok cara cast dia berlakon iaitu watak lead yang dilakonkan haruka fukuhara (nao yoshikawa) dan shunya shiraishi (uehara hisashi). aku rasa agak annoying dengan cara dia asyik kemam bibir bila senyum. aku sampai terikut-ikut tau tak? macam gedik pulak rasanya. lagi satu, dia overacting sangat. bila scene dia terkejut, macam over. tak payahlah ikut comic sangat. ini realiti 👀 overall, dia memainkan peranan sebagai watak utama dengan baik. 

shunya pulak, bagi aku watak dia macam tak aku sangkakan bila aku baca komik. aku ingat dori yang berlakon jadi uehara ataupun second male lead yang berlakon dalam season two tu. sebab aku bayangkan uehara tu jenis yang macam tu. tapi, takpelah, you two did a good job. at least tak berlakon takde emosi langsung macam dalam itazura na kiss versi jepun yang baru tu. yang ni ha aku tunjuk dekat bawah.

drama seterusnya, aku letak description saja and aku memang recommend untuk pergi tengok sekarang! hihi!

2. Skip Beat (Taiwanese)

High school graduate Gong Xi gives up her chances for university in order to support her childhood friend and romantic goal, Bu Po Shang, in his pop idol career. Upon arriving in Taipei, Gong Xi starts working on multiple jobs in order to support Shang, whose popularity quickly rises, eventually becoming one of the top idols in Taiwan. One day, Gong Xi catches Shang flirting with his manager, and learns that he only used her so she can help him with his living expenses. Heart-broken and betrayed, Gong Xi vows to get revenge by becoming a bigger star. Gong Xi auditions for L.M.E., Taiwan's largest talent agency, and joins L.M.E.'s new-found department "Love Me" with Jiang Nanqin, also a new recruit. At L.M.E. famous actor Dun He Lian, disgusted by Gong Xi's reasons for joining the show business, consistently finds ways to annoy and taunt her. As Gong Xi's acting career starts to take off, she begins to discover a new sense of identity and purpose, separate from her initial plans of revenge. Lian also eventually warms up to her, and although at first in denial, he finds himself falling more and more in love with her.

bagi aku, drama ni tak mengecewakan. aku tengok baru dua kali, tapi addicted! mesti korang kenal siapa dua lelaki kat dalam poster tu hihi. donghae dan siwon dari suju! and ivy chen yang memegang watak sebagai gongxi pulak tak jemu mencuit hati aku! 

3. Koi Wa Tsuzuku yo Doko Made Mo (Love Lasts Forever)

Nanase Sakura is a 23-year-old rookie nurse. She met Doctor Kairi Tendo several years ago and fell in love with him. To meet him again, she studied hard and became a nurse. After 5 years, she finally meets Kairi Tendo again, but he has a totally different personality than what she imagined. Kairi Tendo, who is 31-years-old, is commonly referred to as the "Devil" at work. He is a level-headed perfectionist and often makes biting remarks to doctors and nurses. Nanase Sakura works hard to receive recognition from Kairi Tendo and she also expresses her feelings honestly to him. Due to her persistence, Nanase Sakura becomes well known at the hospital and she picks up the nickname of the "Warrior. Chick" Meanwhile, Kairi Tendo becomes attracted to Nanase Sakura.

ehem, actually sebelum aku tengok drama ni, aku baca manga dia dulu 😍 dalam manga dia fuhh banyak scene mencucuk hati aku hahaha tapi better drama. dalam drama ni, bukan romance je weh, kau boleh belajar pasal medic jugak. they were not focusing on the romance, but also the information that we can gain from this drama. belajar perubatan, siapa je tak nak en? and also, ost dia pun aku addicted hehe. ni lagu daripada cerita tu,

okey, setakat ni je aku recommend. nanti kalau ada lagi, tunggu bulan julai! byeee assalamualaikum!


June 26, 2020


Zakiah Akma, 24. Introvert but quite adventurous. I seldom write in here.
Writes in malay and english.
Blogging since 2012.





originally by ayuni. edited by ziczaq