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third blogger challenge #3!
Assalamualaikum and 안녕하세요!

day 3 : a moment you felt most satisfied with your life


a moment that i felt satisfied? i have alot. not just one, but a lot. i have experienced a lot of things that i don't think i could do or achieved it. i mean, with my kind of personality, i thought it was impossible for me. really, i can't believe it either.

take a moment to listen 💜

first, my moment when i achieved a great result when i entered college. second, a moment i talk to my crush. third, making my parents proud of my result and doing something great for them. and many more! i can't type all in here cause it's going to be a longgg post.

tapi saat yang paling memuaskan hati aku adalah bila aku achieve something great untuk diri aku sendiri. contohnya macam, aku ni pendiam tapi sebenarnya memang pendiam, ada masa aku perlu bercakap dengan orang yang aku rasa takut nak tegur or aku rasa macam tak nak langsung tegur sesiapa masa tu. and ada someone minta tolong aku untuk aku cakap bagi pihak dia. jadi, aku terpaksa buat. but later, i feel kinda great. sikit sebanyak aku dapat talking point marks untuk diri aku.

apa jua keadaan yang meminta aku untuk bertemu orang ramai, aku terpaksa hadap. selain tu, aku cuba fikirkan, apa benefit aku dapat kalau aku buat macam tu. banyak gila benefit aku dapat weh. 👌
dapat kenal member lain, dapat kenali diri orang lain macam mana and how to interact with different kind of people kat situ. haaaa tapi kadang-kadang tu ada jugak lah rasa macam annoyed dengan orang yang tah pape.

but, anyway, my answer macam kat atas tadi. there's a lot but i only choose one ; achieve something great for myself. teheeee 😙✌

so, pape roger guys! see you!


July 27, 2019


Zakiah Akma, 24. Introvert but quite adventurous. I seldom write in here.
Writes in malay and english.
Blogging since 2012.





originally by ayuni. edited by ziczaq