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Goodbye, 2014~!

Assalamualaikum and Annyeonghaseyo! Evelybodi, today is the last day of 2014 T^T Oh sosanghae >.< It mean I'm so sad. If you watched Gag Concert, you must know that words. Kekkekee. Ok. First thing first, I wanna tell ya something. Its hard to say this but I really wanna see him everyday like always. This year was... really make me happy. I've got many friends, many trouble and I've changed a little bit. My attitude? Hoho. Only a bit.  /jap, asal aku speaking pulak ni. dahla broken -.-/ Zie harap kenangan yang ada pada tahun ni, takkan luput dalam ingatan Zie selama-lamanya. Tahun ni, banyak sangat kenangan yang indah bersama kawan-2 Zie, cikgu-2, winpeach.... ha.. Tahun 2015 akan tiba dalam beberapa jam lagi. So, Zie harap tahun 2015 ni akan berbaik dgn Zie xp.

Harini jugak, birthday V!! #HappyVDay! Lambat wish pulak XD . Taehyung dah berumur 20 tahun \^o^/.

Kejap! Nak promote Aff dgn Twitter XD

ASIANFANFIC STORY. (cerita-2 Zie semua kena subscibe, so anda perlu daftar masuk ye...)

see ya!

December 31, 2014


Zakiah Akma, 24. Introvert but quite adventurous. I seldom write in here.
Writes in malay and english.
Blogging since 2012.





originally by ayuni. edited by ziczaq